BETWEEN SKY and SEA reviewed in Sunday’s Honolulu Star Advertiser

Aloha everyone,

First of all, thank you to those that have visited my site and supported my work since I launched it last year and since I started writing a little over six years ago, especially everyone who picked up my novel over the last eight months.

I have been waiting with baited breath for reviews to come in, and it’s been so wonderful to personally hear from people who have experienced the story of the Teixeiras and their struggle in the wake of tragedy, addiction, and the complications of growing up local. As previously posted, last month I was excited and grateful to find out that BETWEEN SKY AND SEA had made Honolulu Magazine’s list of “must have” summer reads, and just this past Sunday I found out that my novel was reviewed in Sunday’s Honolulu Star-Advertiser. If you don’t have access to the paper, I have attached a photo of the review below.

For me, more than the review itself, it’s the knowledge that the story is out there and breathing.  When it came to BETWEEN, this was an important part of why I wrote it, giving these characters and this story life.

If you have a reaction to share, please don’t hesitate to leave it below or message me directly at

If you haven’t picked up BETWEEN SKY AND SEA yet, you can do so via my publisher (best price) here: It’s also available via Amazon: and SPD:

Thank you all again.

More soon,

